Saturday, December 12, 2009

Training - Teach your dog the "down" command when he is in the sitting position

Teach your dog the "down" command when he is in the sitting position. Step to the side to give him room, then use your hand (with a piece of hot dog) to guide him down to the ground with a sweeping motion while you say "Down." He should follow the hot dog with his nose as you stretch your hand down to the ground and out in front of him. Push down between his shoulder blades to show him what you want him to do. Then reward him by dropping the treat between his front legs.

This will take a lot of repetition, but he will get it if you are consistent. This command comes with an "automatic stay," so he should stay in the down position until you release him with the command "OK!" Keep repeating the word "down" while he is in the position, so he will know you want him to stay until released. When you say "OK!" it should be in a very upbeat, happy voice.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Training - Teach your Mastiff to walk nicely on a leash

Begin obedience training by teaching your Mastiff to walk nicely on a leash. Let him walk ahead of you a bit on the long lead. As he begins to pull, pop the leash firmly (using the slip chain collar) to get his attention. Say the word "Easy" loudly and firmly, then change your direction. The idea is to get him to stop, look at you and then change direction with you.

Be sure to praise him when he does this. This command also works in teaching him to walk slowly alongside you without pulling. Just use the same technique, but without changing your direction. It is important not to tug or haul him around with that leash. He should be learning to follow you with a very loose lead. Pulling will only cause more problems. The "Easy" command can also be used as a correction if he is acting aggressive towards a person or another animal. Be sure you keep your voice strong.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Training - Use treats to teach the dog the basic commands

Use treats to teach the dog the basic commands. Sliced hot dogs are inexpensive and all dogs like them. Slice them into nickel sized pieces, and keep them in a pack around your waist for easy access. Have your Mastiff sit for you, and reward her when she is sitting calmly, close to you and looking up into your eyes. This is called "focused attention." Keep repeating the Sit" command until she does this correctly without you having to push her back end down. If she is hesitating to go down, raise your hand with the treat up over her head and slowly push it towards her back end. This will force her nose up and back, and make her much more likely to sit on her own.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Training - Start socializing your dog

Start socializing your dog. The socialization process simply means that you take her into different environments and get her used to meeting people and other dogs on a regular basis. Some Mastiffs are very friendly towards strangers, and others are more standoffish. Do not force her to take affection from strangers. If she is uncomfortable, simply tell people it is not a good idea to pet her. The goal is to get your dog comfortable with you and with being in various surroundings before you begin to train her.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Friday, December 4, 2009

Training - Establish yourself as the pack leader with your dog

Establish yourself as the pack leader with your dog, and make sure all members of the household do the same. The Mastiff can be a very affectionate dog, and may demand your affection by jumping up on you or barking. It is important that you do not allow this. You decide when he gets petted, when he is fed and when he goes outside.

When you do take him out, you should be the one who walks through the door first. Also, while you are training the dog, do not let him sleep in bed with you. The pack leader sleeps in the bed, and the dog sleeps in his bed on the floor or in a crate. Down the road, when your dominance has been established, you can bring your dog into the bed with you if you like.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Training - Fit your dog with a slip chain collar

Fit your dog with a slip chain collar (found at pet supply stores). Make sure it is the one made for very large dogs. It should be snug enough so that it will not snag on things and get pulled off, but loose enough that you can fit about two fingers between the collar and your dog's neck. These collars do not hurt your dog, but merely give you the control you need so you can contain her and make sure she does not get away from you and get into a dangerous situation.

Mastiff - Dog Lover

Friday, October 23, 2009

Puppy care - Supervise your new dog's outdoor time

Supervise your new dog's outdoor time. Make sure he has lots of fresh water and shade. Mastiff dogs can get heat stroke if precautions are not taken. Other dangers to young pups left unobserved outdoors include theft, attacks from other animals, and chewing or swallowing something other than his food or approved toys. When buying your pet chew toys, check to see that he can't chew it into pieces that could be swallowed. Foreign bodies in his intestine could necessitate surgery to remove them, putting your dog's life in danger.

Mastiff - Dog Lover